How I just love it when I check up my email and I get a positive comment from a publisher, even if my manuscript 'isn't for them' or 'not what they are looking for at present'. It keeps me buoyant in the tide of rejections to know that my 'premise proves interesting' and 'my writing is near poetic in places'!!
What is even nicer are the snippets of constructive criticism. Like the nuggets of gold that they are, publishers and editors use them sparingly it seems!
I have had a band of virtual friends for a little more than a year now, and this week marked the second anniversary of that group: The Scribblers' Den in the Steampunk Empire . Today we are holding another 24 hour party spanning the world East to West, starting with sunrise in Australia and ending at sundown in Haiti, why not join us and see what you are inspired to create? Last years party gave birth to the idea of The Denizens of Steam anthology through a flash fiction competition we held during the party. This year we are celebrating two years of joyous companionship and to that end I will be revealing the cover our second anthology The Den of Antiquity! This book is bursting with short stories rather than flash fiction and is sculpted rather than being an instinctive creation. But before I reveal the wonderful cover designed by Bryce Raffle, I thought I'd send my roving reporter, Antigone Nix, out into the Steampunk Empire to track dow a few of the members of the Scrib...
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