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Showing posts from October, 2015

Full Steam Ahead!

So many things to blog about today so let me start off small. You can read Jack Be Nimble a short Halloween themed horror story at today. I am also guest blogging on fellow author, Rie Sheridan Rose's blog , about 'Core Craving' my story in the 'Hides the Dark Tower' anthology. Then there is the wonderful news that Shark Nose , a horror story set in WWII, has come third in the Rambunctious Ramblings Publications horror contest and so will be published early in the New Year. Woo Hoo! Finally, comes a book launch which all started off with a nice cup of tea at the first year anniversary party at the Scribblers' Den with one of those throw-away comments, "We could publish the stories in an anthology." I said and now here it is. Two months and a lot of tea, discussion and editing later, here it is! Denizens of Steam  is available through  Smashwords and should have formats compatible with most e-readers. Best of all it is absolute...

Planners vs the Pantsers: the NaNoWriMo challenge!

This doodle-in-poor-taste came from a throw-away comment someone made! Attack of the Pantsers *the slow, grinding caterpillar treads of procrastination and the occasional barrage of inspiration* NaNoWriMo* came into my vocabulary around the 20th of November last year, and not having a clue what it was I Googled it but discovered I was too late to sign up for 2014 challenge. Being able to get 50,000+ words down on 'the page' by the end of the month was not a possibility. However, I vowed that 2015 would be the year , so, I did it. I 'm there. I signed up mid October. But what the hell am I going to write about? A novel, duh. This is, after all, *National Novel Writing Month (get it now?) But 50,000words in 30days? That means a religious 1,664 words per day. Doesn't seem like much but I know there will be days when I just wont look at the Work In Procrastination and it will become no more than a pipe dream, smoked for a momentary p...

Hides the Dark Tower - Available Today!

Hides the Dark Tower , the long awaited anthology from Pole-to-Pole Publishing is available from today! So if you haven't already placed an order for your copy, why not do so? It is a stunning collection of creepy and enchanting tales all about towers. From the dark and scary to the fairytale kind, there is something for all readers of dark fiction. Of course, there's also my tale Core Craving . So if you have an insatiable reading appetite you cannot satisfy, you know what Hides the Dark Tower! Buy from Buy from Buy from i-tunes  Also available from the following vendors  Kobo Oyster Scribd Tolino Page Foundry  

Scatterbrained reading habits, unfinished writing projects and ignorance.

Scatterbrained reading is my worst habit. If you look at  my reading list on Goodreads you'll see what I mean. I've recently updated it, but I bet I still haven't included all the books I've got on the go. My target of 26 to be read by the end of the year, is a realistic number of those I'll complete, although I'll start three times that number. Some I've had going for years and others for days, some I finish in an afternoon. I have been wondering if this a reflection of my disorganisation in general or a reflection of the writing I choose to read or perhaps I have undiagnosed AADD? (This is not meant to be a flippant or disparaging comment, I seriously wonder if I do.) My writing flows a similar route; I currently have in the region of 30 projects on the go and flit from one to the other adding, tweaking and amending. There is order and purpose but my muse is mercurial and likes to wind me up. Then, on  a FB forum I frequent, the question po...